In 2008, Panacea3 was originally founded to operate as a new type of record label, one truly rooted in the digital world. We developed standards and practices for monitoring, analyzing and affecting digital footprints. Then, in the backdrop of massive corporate “Web 2.0” and social media adoption, we pivoted our focus to offer our services for hire.
We quickly found success working with a few Fortune 500 companies based in Minneapolis and these experiences helped us shape core service offerings. In 2010 we relocated our company to Brooklyn, NY to better facilitate in-person client meetings in the international hub of New York City. After 5 great years in the city, we decided to virtualize our operations to allow our employees to live wherever they choose. 
13 years after our inception, the world has changed a lot, but the importance of Digital Reputation Management is stronger than ever. We remain focused on our core vision and continue to deliver exceptional consulting and agency services to a broad range of international and domestic clients. 
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Contact us with any questions and how we may serve your needs.

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